Trademark: | DR.Morex |
Area /Origin: | Mexico Trademark for Sale |
Trademark Category: | Class 03 - Cosmetics /Beauty |
Trademark Status: | Fully registered, dispute-free, and in good standing. |
All-inclusive Price: | $4,500 (no hidden fees or costs) |
Domain Notice: | .com domain available |
Serial Number: | 2928024 (Click to visit the official details page.) |
Registration Number: | 2928024 |
Goods /Services: |
Soap *, Hair Moisturizer *, Cleansing Lotion, Shampoo *, Soap, Dry Cleaning Shampoo *, Conditioner, Drug Free Personal Parts Cleansing Liquid, Bleach for Laundry, Laundry Agent, Stain Remover, Windshield Cleaner, Shoe Shine, Leather Protector (Polish), Shoe Polish, Abrasives, Sandpaper, Essential Oils, Fragrances, Lipstick, Beauty Mask, Nail Polish, Hair Dye, False Eyelashes, Cosmetics, Cotton, Cosmetic Pen, Eau Fragrance, Hair Removal Agent, Perfume, False Nails, Nail Protector, Eyebrow Pencil, Weight Loss Cosmetics, False Eyelash Adhesive , false eyelashes, viscose, deodorant for personal or animal use, mascara, hairspray, lip gloss, nail paint patch, sunscreen, nail polish remover, cosmetic gel eye patch, nail glitter, body paint for makeup, double eyelid sticker, cosmetic toner, non-medical mouthwash, dental cleanser *, denture cleaner, tooth bleaching gel, teeth whitening sticker, personal hygiene, breath freshener, toothpaste *, fragrance, pet body wash (cleaning preparation without drugs), pet deodorant, animal body wash (cleaning preparation without drugs) air fragrance ➤ 肥皂*,润发乳*,洁肤乳液 ,洗发液*,香皂 ,干洗式洗发剂*,护发素 ,不含药物的个人私处清洗液 ,洗衣用漂白剂 ,洗衣剂 ,去污剂 ,挡风玻璃清洗剂 ,擦鞋膏 ,皮革保护剂 (抛光剂),鞋油 ,研磨剂 ,砂纸 ,香精油 ,香料 ,唇膏 , 美容面膜 ,指甲油 ,染发剂 ,假睫毛 ,化妆 品 ,化妆棉 ,化妆笔 ,淡香水 ,脱毛剂 ,香水 ,假指甲 ,指甲护剂 ,眉笔 ,减肥用化妆品 ,假睫毛粘胶 ,假睫毛 黏胶 ,个人或动物用除臭剂 ,睫毛膏 ,喷发胶 ,唇彩 ,指甲彩绘贴片 ,防晒剂 ,指甲油去除剂 ,美容用凝胶眼贴 ,美甲闪粉 ,化妆用人体彩绘颜料 双眼皮贴 ,化妆用爽肤水 ,非医用漱口剂 ,洁牙剂*,假牙清洁剂 ,牙用漂白凝胶 ,牙齿美 白贴 ,个人卫生用 口气清新剂 ,牙膏*,香 ,宠物用沐浴露(不含药 物的清洁制剂),宠物用除臭剂 ,动物用沐浴露(不含药物的清洁制 剂)空气芳香剂 View All ↓
Note: |
The trademark might be sold by the owner. Kindly verify availability with us.
Tags: | |
◆ Transaction Facilitation:
Our platform serves as a trusted intermediary, managing and guiding the entire transaction process to ensure the buyer legally and seamlessly acquires trademark ownership and rights, while securing timely payment for the seller. If domain names are included in the transaction, we ensure their prompt and secure transfer to the buyer.
◆ Refund Policy:
We guarantee an immediate refund if the buyer does not receive the agreed-upon trademark ownership, rights, or domain names within the specified timeframe.
◆ Trademark Condition and Liability:
We guarantee the trademark is maintained in good condition up until the transfer is finalized. However, as the future status of the trademark is beyond our platform's ability to predict or influence, we disclaim any liability for its condition post-transfer. Upon completion of the transfer, the buyer assumes full responsibility for the trademark's ongoing maintenance and upkeep.
1st - Agreement:
We finalize the Trademark Assignment Agreement and have it signed by the owner ("Assignor") and the buyer ("Assignee"). The signed Agreement serves as the foundation for the transaction and the transfer of ownership.
2nd - Invoice & Payment:
We issue a PayPal/Escrow invoice to the buyer for payment based on the signed Agreement. PayPal/Escrow securely holds the funds throughout the process, and we ensure the buyer legally obtains the trademark and domain name, if applicable.
3rd - Ownership Transfer:
①We assist in initiating the transfer of ownership, which will be reviewed by the official and typically completed within 1-2 weeks.
②Any domain names if included in the sale, are guaranteed to be transferred to the buyer within 1-7 days.
4th - Completion:
Buyer confirms the receipt of ownership; PayPal/Escrow releases funds; we pay the owner; and the transaction completes.
1. Designate a new correspondent for your trademark.
The trademark correspondent is the person responsible for monitoring the trademark status and maintaining direct connections with official institutions. Typically, the owner-appointed attorney serves as the correspondent and manages legal affairs for the trademark.
We highly recommend that you, as the new owner, engage a familiar attorney to replace the old correspondent, as this will benefit trademark monitoring and maintenance. For U.S. trademarks, if you reside in the U.S., you can designate yourself as the correspondent according to USPTO rules. The designation is a simple task that takes just a few minutes to complete through your account (a detailed guide is available for the buyer).
2. Keep using the trademark in commerce.
Keeping and using your trademark in commerce is crucial for its protection, validity, distinctiveness, defense against challenges, and overall business reputation. Regular and genuine use helps ensure that your trademark maintains its legal significance and serves as an effective tool for brand recognition and consumer trust.
3. Renewal and Maintenance.
As per official rules, trademarks require ongoing renewal and maintenance to remain valid and enforceable.
For U.S. trademarks, see below, check your trademark status at, and USPTO system marks your trademark maintenance dates and deadlines. You must submit the necessary paperwork and fees on time to keep your trademark active, otherwise, your registration will be canceled. Your attorney can assist with such matters when needed.
Be aware that your registration will be canceled if you do not the file required documents below during the specified time periods:
Requirements in the First Ten Years*
What and When to File:
• First Filing Deadline: You must file a Declaration of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) between the 5th and 6th years after the registration date. If the declaration is accepted, the registration will continue in force for the remainder of the ten-year period, calculated from the registration date, unless canceled by an order of the Commissioner for Trademarks or a federal court.
• Second Filing Deadline: You must file a Declaration of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) and an Application for Renewal between the 9th and 10th years after the registration date.
Requirements in Successive Ten-Year Periods*
What and When to File:
• You must file a Declaration of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) and an Application for Renewal between every 9th and 10th-year period, calculated from the registration date.
◆ What is the process for transferring ownership?
For a U.S. trademark, our attorney will file the necessary forms, submit the properly signed Trademark Assignment Agreement, and pay the required government fees to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Officials will review the submissions and record the transfer if no errors are found. If any mistakes are identified, the USPTO will notify the filer to make corrections until the transfer is approved.
◆ What will the buyer receive as a result of the ownership transfer?
The buyer will obtain trademark ownership, entire interest and the goodwill.
◆ What changes can we expect to see on the official page?
The USPTO system will record the assignment details and update the information to reflect the new owner.
◆ How long does the transfer take?
The transfer process usually takes 1-2 weeks, depending on the USPTO's processing speed.
➜ After you file enrollment forms and submit the required files, a relevant "Case" will be created by Amazon in the "Case Log".
➜ If your submissions are qualified, Amazon will send an email including a "verification code" to the email address associated with the trademark correspondent.
➜ You will need to reply to the "Case" with the above-mentioned "verification code".
➜ Amazon will approve your brand registry if no mistakes occur.
(Guide of Amazon Brand Registry)
◆ After the registry, you can create product listings with the brand.
◆ You get A+ Content, enhanced brand content, brand analytics and more.
◆ Amazon doesn't seem to care which class your trademark is in, they give you coverage across all categories (which could change at any time).
◆ An Auth-Code, also known as an EPP code, authorization code, transfer code, or Auth-Info Code, is a generated passcode required to transfer an internet domain name between domain registrars; the code is intended to indicate that the domain name owner has authorized the transfer. and are known as famous domain registrars.
◆ Using the Auth-Code shared by the owner, you can seamlessly transfer the domain name to your domain registrar account.
◆ The transfer of a domain name between two registrars typically takes 5-7 days, while the transfer between two accounts within the same registrar usually takes only minutes or seconds.